Theories of Asian Architecture
This module gave us insights and knowledge about the history and theories of Asian architecture and how it came about in each individual countries. The identities and what contributed to it.
I was tutored by Mr Nicholas Ng and he has helped me a lot in this module.
Contextual Study Sketch Journal of a Traditional Street
We had to visit a selected street and observe the physical and non-physical features that contribute to the identity of the street. Such as facades, historical buildings for physical and community, trade market and even festive events for non-physical features. After that, we had to sketch them out and give a conclusion on what we observe about the street.
This was an eye-opener for me when I visited Jalan Tun HS Lee. Noticing many things that I would have never placed focus on to how it contributes to Jalan Tun HS Lee's street identity. I wished to have done better in sketching and drawing the boards out next time.
Assignment : Infographic
We had to come up with an infographic for a specific chosen topic to show how well we understood the topic.
I picked traditional malay vernacular architecture and the topic was structure, materials and construction.
We were required to prepare the infographic poster in an A3 size poster and fit in all the required information in it.
For this assignment, I better understand the way traditional malay vernacular architecture more. The structure, materials and how the construction works. I was able to finish the assignment in time and able to note out all the information that I wanted. I could have done better on the graphics and composition on the board but overall I think the assignment went well.
Poster and Seminar-Contemporary Issues in Asian Architecture
Project 2 was a heavily research based assignment. We had to pick a street and a topic to research on the issues that are affecting the street and how we could possibly solve it. We also had to understand how modernity and and globalisation plays a role in the issues that we find. We had to come up with our research questions based on our methodology of finding our information.
We decided to pick the topic of how modernity is affecting the street identity of Jalan Tun HS Lee.
We have to research on papers to see how we could adapt their framework to suit our and how we could implement them into our own research.
Sadly this assignment was suppose to be a six person assignment but we only had three people doing the work for the whole project 2. We realised that this research assignment requires a lot of reading to reference the works from somewhere. We couldn't fabricate our assume how things would be for the street. It required proper information extracted and evidence. We wished we have better group members to work with. We would've improved on the content that was researched, the graphics and composition of the board and even the quality of our presentation. Overall, we did below average for this assignment and hope we could've done much better.
Above is our presentation recording for our research Losing Identity to Modernity.